glx_3f98e666e4938e0a4a639489f381c07a.txt KATAS RAJ TEMPLE





                                   OLDEST HINDU TEMPLE IN PAKISTAN

   Indus valley progress is one of the old civilizations of the world. It stretched out from present-day upper east Afghanistan to Pakistan and northwest India. Indus Valley human progress holds extraordinary significance in Hinduism; it was in this period that Hinduism tracked down its balance and was embraced as the religion of the valley during 2300-1300 CE.

    A considerable lot of sanctuaries of the old age have been unearthed at the civilization destinations, of which many are available in Pakistan. Despite the fact that Pakistan was established as a prevalently Muslim nation after parcel, the guide of the nation is dabbed with sanctuaries, everything being equal. One of these sanctuaries is the Katas Raj Temple, or Qila Katas as it is privately known.


    The town of Kallar Kahar in Chakwal locale of Punjab territory of Pakistan houses one of the holiest asylums of Hinduism in the Indian subcontinent. The Katas Raj sanctuary is a complex of at least seven sanctuaries, by and large known as Satgraha.

     As per the principal directorate general of Archeological Survey of India, Alexander Cunningham, the sanctuaries are arranged along the lower regions of the Salt Range reaching out from the stream Jhelum up till the Indus waterway.

Legendary significance

     Katas Raj sanctuary is exceptionally worshipped by Hindus world over. It is accepted the lake around which the Katas Temple is assembled is filled by Lord Shiva's tears. He is accepted to have lived here with his significant other Sati, and upon her demise, distress stricken Shiva couldn't keep down his tears. These tears then, at that point, prompted the production of the Katas Raj lake. This water body is subsequently said to represent his sad and incomprehensible misery..

    As per another legend, the Pandava siblings tracked down shelter in the caverns close to the sanctuary after the oldest Pandav Yudhishtra — King of Indraprastha lost his realm to their cousin Duryodhana. This occurrence is referenced in the Hindu awe-inspiring Mahabharata and it alludes to Katas Raj as the spot where the Pandava siblings settled during their 12 years of exile.

     Inferable from these significant accounts of the confidence, Hindus in enormous number from both the sides of the line gather consistently at various events to offer their appreciation, particularly during Maha Shivratri. Albeit as of now there are no icons set in the sanctuaries, the explorers come here to recognize the penances of Pandava siblings and revere Lord Shiva's anguish. The holy lake is held in high respects and it is trusted a plunge/shower in it assists one with accomplishing salvation.

    The development and engineering of the complex mirrors the Kashmiri plan of Karkota and Varma lines. The sanctuaries are based on little square stages and the moldings are shaped where these stages converge with the rises of sub holy places arranged in the complex.

    The sanctuary passages are protected by huge wooden entryways and a few by open curves. The doors are designed with botanical themes abnormal for Kashmiri style. Also, the principal attributes of the sanctuaries here are the dentils, trefoil curves, fluted support points and pointed rooftops which are available in a large portion of the sanctuaries that are tracked down up and down the Salt Range lower regions.

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