glx_3f98e666e4938e0a4a639489f381c07a.txt QUAID-E-AZAM LIBRARY



                          QUIAD-E-AZAM LIBRARY LAHORE

        A library isn't just an assortment of material, books, diaries and different sources, however it is likewise capable to teach its clients with present day information. A library assumes an essential part in the improvement of society, workforce and understudies.

       Quaid-e-Azam Library is fundamentally a gathering of 11 libraries that are working under the lead of the University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan. It gives the admittance to its clients of in excess of 134,000 books, 45,000 digital books,peer-checked on diaries, meeting procedures and articles through 17 different on the websources given by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. This exploration dissects the job of Quaid-e-Azam Library in the advancement of personnel and understudies.
      The Quaid-e-Azam Library is ddressing the requirements of in excess of six resources of the College of Gujrat. This library has given the name after the pioneer behind Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He was the principal Governor-General of Pakistan and hailed as "Quaid-e-Azam" (Great Leader) of the Muslims in 1937. He was a man of words and he crushed his rivals by the force of his dauntless will. His place in Pakistan

    The Quaid-e-Azam Library takes care of an all out area of 77,750 square feet, which is
satisfying the necessities of its benefactor. The library is totally furnished with the state
of the craftsmanship comforts. This library is completely sustained with present day gear and innovation.

    Besides, this library similarly addressing the necessities of all disciplines of the
college and the understudies are happy with the current assortments. The organization of the library is assuming an imperative part in the advancement of exploration culture in the college. The
construction of the library is partitioned as:
• Bunch conversation rooms
• Staff understanding parlor
• Scientist's corner
• Periodical area
• Display lobbies
• Security System
• Jinnah theater with a seating limit of 210 people

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